
Beatdown’s InterNal Clock Pocket Builder Metronome Exercises

Need help on tightening up your time playing? Download this free PDF for your computer or mobile device. This unique way of working with your metronome will severely sharpen up your time playing because of how you will use it. The secret to playing with great natural and consistent time is hearing what’s in the ‘space’ between the quarter notes…ie: the subdivisions. These exercises draw on and develop your internal and mental abilities for staying on track as you’re just working with a simple quarter note pulse, but mentally shifting that pulse to a specific subdivision in the bar while you’re playing. There are several benefits to practicing this way – It will train your ears to hear the spaces between the pulse, making you much more aware of all of the notes you’re not playing, which are every bit as important as the ones you are playing. This simple awareness of the subdivisions keeps the ‘grid’ active and present at all times in your head – which, in turn, helps keep the space between the pulse the same size, tightening up your timing. This improves the consistency of the timing of your grooves, fills, phrases, solos, etc. The reason being that you’re now fully conscious of the equal note values you’re playing. And when you do that – you simply keep better time and play a much better pocket.